Season 11 -- 1965 Championship

20 Oct 2005 -- Bremgarten, Switzerland (1954)
17 Nov 2005 -- Crystal Palace, England (1967)
22 Dec 2005 -- Zandvoort, Netherlands (1967)
02 Feb 2006 -- Keimola, Finland (1974)
23 Feb 2006 -- Monte Carlo, Monaco (1967)


Points awarded to top six finishers: 9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 -- plus 1 point for pole position and 1 point
for fastest race lap.
Driver     Pts PP FL Wins  Brem Crys Zand Keim Mona

O'Dell      47  1  4  4     2    1 F  1PF  1 F  1 F
Black       25  3           3    2P        2P   2P
Cousin      18                   3    2    3    3
Voeller     11  1  1  1     1PF

Series abandoned for lack of interest.

View 1967 Championship